JayDabz_666 Interview

JayDabz_666 Interview

JayDabz_666 Interview


There is a raw purity to JayDabz_666 track “Infamous”. At times it feels like a rap battle freestyle and at others, it feels like a country ballad. Jay takes us through many emotions over a laid-back old-school hip-hop beat.

“I’ve been feeling so numb from the pain”… who can’t relate? Jay lays his problems on the table, and doesn’t hold back any of his truth. Some rappers want to just lie to you and tell you they have all these things without having problems, but Jay’s music is a refreshing throwback to old-school hip hop with a modern twist.

Infamous is the perfect track for old school hip hop heads and for new cats who are tuned into emo rap which some would categorize this as. Anyways, we had to reach out to Jay for an interview and luckily, he agreed.

Rock the Hip Hop JayDabz_666 Interview

Where are you from?

I’m from Dos Palos, California… but I started making music where I currently reside in Gustine, California.

How has your city influenced your sound?

I wouldn’t necessarily say that my city influenced me, because my biggest influence with my best friend Inky Steve. He gave me the final push to pursue a dream career. But walking around my city and influence to make people smile with my music I love to walk around and see people with their headphones and just jamming out and having an amazing time.

What instruments do you play?

I don’t play any instruments I’m a rapper… but I do all of the vocals and audio editing myself because it’s free.

What’s your best performance?

I haven’t performed live anywhere yet due to short-term memory issues I’m not always able to remember my lyrics. I did however make it to the group finals in 4th place in the Next Up music competition hosted by DJ Khalid.

What is your worst performance?

I don’t currently have the worst performance because I haven’t performed live yet, But definitely, my least favorite creation that I have made myself had to be my first song “Stress Relief” because I wasn’t confident enough to get the lyrics out as easily as I would’ve liked.

Tell us about your newest single.

My newest single “Where The Bud At” was released on August 30th of 2022. The song was definitely fun to make and one of my favorites, it’s a good party song as well as a good chill stoner vibe song to play. There is no autotune in the song what do ever and all of the song other than the original beat was created or edited by myself.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I plan to see my music career and my glass etching business take off, but no matter what I’m not in this for the money, I want the satisfaction of making others happy.

Does your family support your musical journey?

My family wants me to get a normal job because nun of my family members went for their dreams because there were too many risks at the time of their choice… but they do stand by me now seeing what I’m doing and the passion I have for music.

Who do you want to collaborate with?

One of my dream collaborations would definitely be Twisted Insane, or R.A The Rugged Man.

Any new projects you are working on that you want to share?

I have a new album to be released on Halloween this year, it’s gonna be the biggest and best album of my career to date… don’t miss out. The album has 13 tracks all consistently good yet different from each other.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaydabz_666/

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/JayDabz_666


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