Awake the Rapper is the Highland Park Shooter

Awake the Rapper is the Highland Park Shooter

Awake the Rapper

Awake the Rapper is the Highland Park Shooter

I’d rather be asleep than be awake for “Awake the Rapper”. Awake the Rapper is a murderer. We shouldn’t be celebrating. this despicable human being because he went on a shooting spree that left 6 people dead and several injured over the July 4th 2022 weekend in Illinois. There were ominous signs of disturbing behavior and where is the line between art and real life. Clearly, Awake the Rapper blurred that line and left behind a path of carnage and bloodshed.

Robert “Bobby” Crimo III

Robert “Bobby” Crimo III is the legal name of the murderer who also goes by Awake the Rapper. Robert Crimo was a failed rapper and now people are listening to his music. To be honest, his music wasn’t terrible, but after what he has done it is disturbing to listen to. Awake the Rapper chronicled tales of murder and violence. He fantasized about being murked by the police after a shooting.

Toy Soldier by Awake the Rapper

“Toy Solider” is a disturbing look at a troubled young man who needed help and was incredibly entitled. Young men today give up so easily and expect the world to be handed to them. “Toy Solider” is a bloody envisioning of a mass murder that came to life.

Robert Crino lived out his violent fantasies and now six beautiful lives are no longer living because of this human being. It is sad that they died while he gets to live. Our tax dollars will have to pay for this human and it is a real shame. This man is weak and instead of getting help, he chose to hurt others.

Highland Park Parade Shooting

Dr. Brigham Temple, the medical director of emergency preparedness for Northshore Medical Group, said at a news conference that 26 people were initially seen at Highland Park Hospital. The ages ranged from 8 to 85 for people who suffered gunshot wounds.

Nineteen of the patients were treated and released, he said. Among the rest, some were in critical and serious conditions, Temple said. A few were transferred to nearby trauma centers, he said.

The shooter take aim at his victims from a rooftop and at first people thought that the shooting was fireworks. When people started dropping, then that is when panicked ensued. People started fleeing but many victims described the attacks as horrific because the gunshot wounds were severe.

July 4th Shooting

What a horrible and traumatizing way to celebrate the fourth of July! Imagine all the children who are now scarred for life because some loser was mad at his failing rap career. Why do people chose to selfishly end others lives? Why are some people so miserable that they want to inflict pain on others. These shootings are starting to happen all over the world and have become a daily occurrence.

The government is too busy overturning Roe V Wade to do anything about gun control or about enacting laws that would prevent mentally ill people from getting guns. Unfortunately, this is the new reality of living in America. America is the gun country and these shootings will continue to happen on an almost daily basis. Have mercy on us all!

Chicago Murder Rate

The Highland Park shooting wasn’t the only shooting in Chicago this past weekend. Shootings have become so common in Chicago that parts of Chicago are called Chiraq. It is a war on the streets of Chicago. Over 57 people have been shot this past weekend in Chicago and that doesn’t even include the HIghland Park shooting. We need more peace in the world. People need to resolve their problems in different ways. The world is so chaotic and crazy. Violence is rampant all over and people resort to hurting others because they are hurt. We need more healing in the world and less violence. Please put down the guns and stop shooting others!


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