War Mothershed Gets Honest with “Could You Blame Me?”

War Mothershed Gets Honest with “Could You Blame Me?”

Could You Blame Me

War Mothershed isn’t your typical rapper. Throughout every verse of “Could You Blame Me?” is truth and honesty. Every line in this song hits hard and evokes certain emotions especially when you realize where War is coming from.

Mothershed’s music comes from a place of pain and struggle which translates into true art and poetry. “Could You Blame Me?” is a song that emotionally connects with the listener and is garnering attention for War Mothershed.

Many artists are okay with doing the bare minimum, but not War Mothershed. Songs like “Could You Blame Me?” are well-thought out and thought-provoking.

Conscious rap is making a comeback and War Mothershed is at the forefront of this movement. We need more artists like War Mothershed which is why we reached out to War for an interview and luckily, he agreed.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with War Mothershed

Where are you from?

Guthrie Oklahoma

How has your city influenced your sound?

There has always been an aura of black excellence on the east side of the city, so the confident-borderline arrogant level of confidence in my music is something I’d say I developed from it. They could tell from performances whether you have it or you don’t, and they are quick to feed you to the wolves if it’s the latter.

What instruments do you play?

I’m currently leaning piano

In what way do you aim to make a difference?

I want to make rap exciting and conscious again. There was much joy and excitement in my youth because of the elite level of talent back in the day and the standard to even be allowed on stage then was different. I work everyday to raise the bar for myself and other artists and I believe that’s what is going to bring me success and abundance in the coming years.

How do you put words to paper? What’s your process?

Fun fact, I actually do everything on my phone and can’t stand to put It on paper because my ADHD brain can’t keep up with my handwriting and corrections. It typically goes based on the inspiration whether it’s internal or external and there’s just a pocket I find within it that I ride like a wave until it ceases and by then the song is typically finished6. Tell us about your newest single.

“Could You Blame Me?” is a single that summarizes the tragedy I survived back in 2019 when my father was murdered in a home invasion and a first-person experience of the thoughts and emotions that ran through my mind when I watched people criticize others for protesting and rioting because of instances like George Floyd, and their willful ignorance to the choices they’d similarly make if they were in our shoes.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Comfortably living off music and touring, while exploring the developments of a new genre I’m working on.

Does your family support your musical journey?

They do now, it took some public validation and a lot of persistence but it really set in once I was booked to perform in Seattle and had all my expenses paid for. You sometimes have to keep painting the picture for them, no matter how crazy you look while doing it.

Who do you want to collaborate with?

There are a lot of dope artists like LVLC, SoulBody Meta, and really everybody at SoulBody Cyphers. Their talent and pen game is incredible and something the world needs to hear.

Any new projects you are working on that you want to share?

I just released a new project, the “2019 EP”, which is available on all streaming platforms as well as a music video to go with it!

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