ERRSON Interview

ERRSON Interview

ERRSON Interview

1000 Nights

Dark and emotional, “1000 Nights” delivers pain in an honest and heartfelt way. “Call him Iron Mike” from all the hardships that ERRSON has endured. One day he will be in charge after all the hard works he has put in. This song reveals so many dark truths about the hustle to the top. “1000 Nights” is an instant classic with a powerful message and strong chorus. ERRSON has a relentless flow and honest approach to hip hop, which we rarely see nowadays. Also, ERRSON has a very unique vocal delivery and has clean vocals. ERRSON doesn’t rely on heavy auto-tune like a lot of rappers. Coming correct, it took ERRSON over a 1000 nights to get to where he is and he still sometimes can’t escape his demons.
Do you enjoy heartfelt hip hop with a message? Then, check out ERRSON. We had to reach out to ERRSON for an interview.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with ERRSON

What first got you into music?

I wanted to make music since I was a young. I called myself kidpro because I was a kid who thought he rapped liked a pro. I would write in my journal everyday, trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words exactly how Lil Wayne and other artists did. I would listen to Lil Wayne all day everyday on my CD player.

Who inspired you to make music?

Listening to him is the reason why I even got into music at such a young age. Even though I remember having to stop because my mom said I can’t curs, I still wanted to be just like Lil Wayne and If I couldn’t curse like Lil Wayne I didn’t want to rap. Later in life I moved on from making music to playing sports, traveling and girls but somehow the art Pulled me back. When covid hit I needed something to believe in and music was there.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I create music for everyone to enjoy. I want my art to portray the positive and the negative sides of the human psyche. To me, a J Cole or a Kendrick is one bad day from a Chief Keef or Bobby Shmurda no disrespect intended. That’s what I want my art to portray. I want to make good music and I want to make the complete opposite to represent that both are two sides of the same coin. Meaning either side can still be of the same person.

What is your creative process like?

My creative process is simple. I find a beat, use the title of the song as a guide for my chorus/hooks and if its not strong or unique enough I change it. When it comes to my flow, I mumble different tones using various syllables and start at different times of the beat until I find what I like (e.g., start on the 1 or the 2). When I start it depends on how urgent or relaxed my flow is. I like to stay on topic with lyrics and try to have a start and a beginning. That’s because I tend to go off topic sometimes. Though I’ll do my best to try to bring it back and complete the original idea of the title, which is the essence of a song.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I would like to collaborate with SiR, EST GEE, Lloyd, Roddy Rich, Dirk, Trippy Redd, Money man, Wiz Kid, Bad Bunny and Kendrick. I have a very long list but I’ll leave it at that.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

This question is tough for me. There are many artists I would like to open for just so I can learn from their presence, the props being used, working in crowds and etc. But if I had to choose, I would want to open for Kanye, Tyler the Creator, Travis Scott, and Wiz Khalifa.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

I would tell my fans to always be grateful for everything that they have. We are all one bad day away from living a life that we never thought we would have to live. So in all, love and appreciate the people, the pets, the house, the car, and things you may or may not like to do because one day it can be taken away from you and you will miss it.

What is the most useless talent you have?

My most useless talent is that I can make friends with just about anyone, and I can talk the paint off a wall.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs? 

I use to both rap and sing in the shower when I was younger. I would rap to “A Milli” and “Fireman” by Lil Wayne. Sing to “So Sick” by Ne-Yo, “Bartender” and “Studio Luv” by T-pain. Even to “Purple Kisses” by The Dream and many more.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? 

I don’t know actually. God knows what I would be doing if I wasn’t finding success in anything that wasn’t in the arts field.

Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

So far, I have only performed at my birthday gathering. But I’m working on trying to get onto stages. I would enjoy performing at some festivals like Rolling Loud, Summer Jam, or JMBLYA. I am only in the early stages of my career but I’m working hard to get there.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? 

I believe the internet allows a lot of voices to be heard and that’s a good thing. My only issue is that the internet has created more short term artists rather than long term. With people fighting for everyones attention and everyones attention being shorter than 20 seconds its hard for a lot of artist to stay in the game for long. That’s especially if the artist went viral with no catalogue, experience or anything of value.

What is your favorite song to perform?

It would be “1000 Nights” because it’s based on a true story about my life, my mindset and the things I go through. I know I’m not special and everyone in the world is going through something but “1000 Nights” so far is that song that I believe I perfectly put together to explain what’s on my mind and how I feel.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

I admire Drake because of his longevity. I understand he’s a 1 in a million artist but when it comes to longevity I feel like all artist should be taking notes. Also, Andre 3000 is another artist I admire by the way he puts his words together is something unheard of until you hear it. I hope to reach that level of conversation on a song. That man speaks with the beat, he doesn’t rap on it. Give his flowers now.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

I’d rather talk about an experience of mine. There was a time I could’ve been murdered by a cop. He had gave me permission to open the front door of my house with my key and when I turned around he pulled his gun on me. It was the first time I was looking down a barrel and it wasn’t the last. From that day I decided to always live without regret, chase my dreams and goals every damn day. If and when I fail, I just learn, get back up and get at it again.

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