Jason Blasco Interview

Jason Blasco Interview

Jason Blasco Interview

Coconut Water

“Coconut Water” is an experimental hip hop and spoken word project by Jason Blasco and what Blasco Says goes. It is important to take care of your health and make sure you don’t get dehydrated.

Blasco says to drink “Coconut Water”, so you don’t feel the effects of dehydration. This song is actually surprisingly catchy with a trap beat and a nice little keyboard synth riff. Honestly, the creativity of Blasco says is amusing and intriguing.

Hiding in Silence

At first glance, Jason Blasco seems comedic but there is a sincere approach to his spoken word poems. Overall, the music is catchy and the effects on his vocals really help to drive the point home that he is addicted to the person whom he is referencing in his song.

Clearly articulated, Blasco says is an Avant-garde music project that won’t appeal to everyone but if people gave it a chance and approached it with an open mind, they would actually enjoy what Jason Blasco has to offer.

We reached out to Jason Blasco for an interview because we came across his work and were very intrigued. Here is our interview with Blasco says, Jason Blasco.


Jason Blasco Interview with Rock the Hip Hop


What first got you into music?

I’ve always had a love affair for music. From what I understand, a member of my biological family was a jazz musician, so the affinity for music has always been there since I can remember. Growing up, I wanted to be a DJ spinning records. My adopted family was more into sports, so the pressure to be involved with sports was significant, and I ended up being a sports journalist for many years before I discovered my true passion.

Who inspired you to make music?

This question is easy. It is Kevin Stratton, who is a long-time business partner and one of my best friends in the world. He showed me the intricacies of sounds and how they affect a person emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. There is a study called psychoacoustics, which I am learning more and more about. I’ve been fascinated with sound, production, and composition since I was introduced to it. Without him, this album, and my previous three studio releases wouldn’t have existed. I would have never entered into the record industry in the first place. Then, I must credit my producer-business partner and co-publisher Steven Henley Junior for teaching me about publishing and the psychology of selling records.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

The music that I have created in the past has no connection to the person I’ve become. The cultural experience here living on Kaua’i alone has changed my perspective. Even listening to this album post-production, I’ve done a psyche analysis on myself and have even grown through that.

What is your creative process like?

I wrote most of my lyrics on various beaches on Kaua’i, staring at the ocean. I used a songwriting application on my phone, and I studied the thesaurus quite a bit while meditating on the beach. I don’t have pain the way others suffer from pain, but emotionally, my pain is very difficult to cope with because I am so sensitive to my surroundings and people. I don’t have much ability to cope with that level of sensitivity. The coping mechanisms I use are as follows: keeping a perspective on life, and realizing that I am more privileged than the average person, I walk, I jump rope, and I swim to stay active.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

One person who I would like to do more work is on my record. Her name is Koko Charli, from Honolulu.

If you could go open a show for any artist, who would it be?

I would love to open for Peter Citera, or any of the bandsgroups or solo artists that had success in the 80s. I realize Citera is a retired artist now, but I would have liked to open for him. Lorde would be another artist that I would like to open for.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

That their support is appreciated. Being an entertainer is hard at any level because of the amount of land sharks, and the political semantics of the record industry. It’s difficult for women to navigate this industry especially, but is difficult for anyone hoping to have a career in entertainment. One person or one thing said that is misconstrued could be fatal to you or your career.

What is the most useless talent you have?

My ability to remember everything anyone ever told me.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Yes. I sing Timmy T’s, “One More Try,” Peter Cetera’s, “Glory of Love,” and Dusti and Kevin’s track, “Through Your Eyes.” I like songs that speak about romance, and the depths of loving someone. There isn’t a lot of room for depth and emotion in this day and age, and anything romantic or that showcases a deeper emotion is always appreciated. We need more love in the world today There is way to much hate and pettiness.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

I would probably be in Hawai’i hanging out on the beach with an organic shave ice and brain dead.

Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

I was considered an experimental artist. I was a music publisher, a publicist, and a record executive producer before I became an artist. I haven’t performed at many venues. This career as an artist wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. My career as a songwriter after this career as an artist is what I am going to become. I want to win a Grammy award with Steven Henley Jr. and Kevin Stratton, the two men that groomed me into the music business.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

I have to be conscious of the rules of engagement when I answer this question. The major labels have given independent artists a way to distribute their music to various platforms. Indy artists can get major label distribution, and opportunities for exposure, but the saturation of the marketplace makes it difficult for them to get on. You have to have lots of money, and when I mean lots, I am talking six or seven figures to get your music heard on a major level. That isn’t to deter any artists that are creating great records, but reality is what it is. You have to find your niche in the record industry, and it’s very hard to get in the door.

What is your favorite song to perform?

Coconut Water

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Vanilla Ice. No entertainer has ever endured more scrutiny than himself. He took a lot of heat, and he laughed all the way to the bank. It couldn’t have been easy, even though Rob is a successful business man, to endure the level of ridicule he had to endure.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

I am a “bad boy” in disguise. I am always getting into some kind of mischief or another. That is the creative side of me. It’s hard being creative because I can create multiple worlds and make my daydreams become reality. That has made life interesting, and adventurous.

Follow Jason Blasco on Social Media

Twitter: www.Twitter.com/jblasco


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