Koan Kenpachi Interview

Koan Kenpachi Interview

Koan Kenpachi Interview


Koan Kenpachi is a phenomenal wordsmith. The lyrical prowess and vocal ability of Koan Kenpachi is absolutely breathtaking. “Weirdo” is a dark rap track that spits facts and takes shots at lame rappers.

Koan Kenpachi has every right to take shots at other rappers because he is a legend and his rapping abilities back up his words. Everything about “Weirdo” is a hit and we reached out to Koan Kenpachi for an interview. Here is our interview with Koan Kenpachi.

Koan Kenpachi Interview with Rock the Hip Hop

What city are you from?

New Orleans

How has your city influenced your sound?

The instrumental part of my music is influenced by the city, perhaps. As far as my rap goes that’s all me. Rappers from New Orleans are just starting to incorporate live music into performances and production. Something I have been known for.

Tell us about your best performance?

My next performance is always my best one.  It doesn’t matter who’s in the audience I’m trying to be better than my last performance. I continue to evolve.

Talk about your latest project.

My new album is entitled “Supremium” it’s my best work to date. It’s kinda like an ego trip. I fashioned this album and the energy behind it is a statement. I think people thought I was a certain kind of artist but the truth is I can’t be boxed in and this album shows that even more than any of my other work. The 1st single “Weirdo” is out now and I think is a great introduction to what to expect from the LP.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

You gonna see me and the “Daily Bread Fam” everywhere. Film, Music, Visual Art, and Fashion.


Follow Koan Kenpachi on Social Media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koan_music
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/koan_music


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