Scary Sounds Creepy Music

Scary Sounds Creepy Music

Scary Sounds Creepy Music

Creepy Freaky Man

‘Creepy Freaky Man’ is an homage to scary movies and Halloween-themed sounds. Nowadays, horror music isn’t as popular as it used to be but there is still a market for it.

Every year there is a void of good Halloween music and Peaceful Piranha is filling that gap with his song ‘Creepy Freaky Man’.

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Creepy Freaky Man Lyrics

Creepy like Kane, 

Creepy like Freaks,

Two-headed ladies,

And ladies with beards,

How many people think aliens are real,

How many people eat sushi with eel,

How many people celebrate Halloween,

Did you wear a costume last year,

I dressed as Deniro from Cape Fear, 

One year I was Norm from the show Cheers,

I even walked around with an open beer,

Arrested then acquitted by a jury of my peers,

A Michael Jackson wannabe,

Is the Man in the Mirror,

Stayed in the Bates Motel, 

things got weird,

Norman Bates tried to recreate the shower scene,

Got out of the way, 

won’t die young like James Dean,   

Got him first,

Bates let out a big scream.

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man,

This is a creepy freaky brand,

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man.

Creepy like Bane, 

the creepy Nicholas Cage,

Every person gets creepier with age, 

What’s that noise the people under the stairs,

First-degree murder can get you the electric chair,

Some people don’t care, 

they do it anyways,

They found cancer in the chest X-rays,

Nothing to live for means nothing to lose,

Be careful Michael Myers is on the loose,

Jason Vorhees and Freddy Kreuger are too,

Watch out; Pumpkinhead’s looking for you,

As well as the creature from the black lagoon,

If you die you don’t come back like in a cartoon,

I just want peace and love, 

but there’s impending doom,

A zombie apocalypse is coming real, real soon,

It’s an American Horror Story Nightmare that’s  come true,

Watch out they are coming for you!

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man,

This is a creepy freaky brand,

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man,

This is a creepy freaky jam.

Girls dressed as nuns, 

Rich kids dressed as bums, 

It’s all kind of dumb, 

But It’s all in good fun, 

The parents are all drunk,

Boys with plastic guns, 

On a normal day will get you shot by a cop,

Eating tons of candy, 

Will turn your kid into a fatty,

The sugary food you are eating will give you diabetes, 

These companies give you more,

So you’ll be hooked for sure, 

Monsanto is worse than ISIS, 

But they sure can hide it,

They poison vegetables and rice,

They call it golden rice,

Beware of your diet, 

You just might die,

They make you believe everything is alright,

The politicians are paid real nice to stay quiet,

It’s got to start with us and the time to start is now, 

It’s time to start caring before we all fall down,

It’s time to start caring before we all start to drown,

Turn off our tellies and turn up right NOW! 


Serial Killers, Junkies, and Rapists, 

The world is such a creepy freaky place.

Corporate blowhards, religious zealots, 

The world is such a creepy freaky place.

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man,

This is a creepy freaky brand,

Call me the Creepy Freaky Man,

This is a creepy freaky jam.

Scary Music

Scary music is fun and creepy, but what makes music scary?

Dissonant harmonies, minor chord progressions, slow and eerie tempos, screaming?

Scary music is a rare type of music genre but it does exist.

Some of my favorite horror artists would be Insane Clown Posse, Ghostemane, Marilyn Manson, and Slipknot.

New Slipknot Masks

Is Slipknot scary because they wear scary Slipknot masks? Maybe! Spooky, creepy music isn’t anything new, but it has declined since the 70s.

Throughout music history, there are musicians who have always dressed up and created a certain atmosphere.

Some people credit Alice Cooper as the first, but before Alice Cooper, there was Screamin’ Jay Hawkins and Screaming Lord Hutch!

Both innovators and pioneers of spooky music, Screaming Lord Sutch was scaring people in the 1960s when people weren’t used to that kind of musical expression.

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