Elan Suave is Suave and Found Me is Beautiful

Elan Suave is Suave and Found Me is Beautiful

Elan Suave is Suave and Found Me is Beautiful

Elan Suave is cool

Suave is in his name because he is suave and makes soulful music. Elan Suave is suave and more than that he is a talented artist. That should come as no surprise because his song “Found Me” almost has a million streams. The most impressive thing about Elan Suave is that he is only 16 years old. It’s unbelievable that such a young man has so much talent. It makes sense because Elan has been playing music ever since he was 4 years old. Elan Suave is from Bronx, New York.

Soon to go mainstream, Elan Suave is forging a name for himself in the music business. Clean tracks and well produced songs are the reason why. When you listen to “Found Me”, you know it is a hit. The bass line accompanies the synth keyboard melody perfectly. All these musical components are complimented by a signature trap beat that ties the track together very nicely. Honestly, Elan Suave is a breath of fresh air when so many artists sound the same.

Listen to Elan Suave on Spotify:

Official Website : http://www.elansuave.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elansuave
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theofficial.elan
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/theofficialela2


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