Elijah Sommerz and B1 The Architect

Elijah Sommerz and B1 The Architect

Elijah Sommerz and B1 The Architect

 Higher Levels

“It don’t get much better than this…” and that is true. “Higher Levels” is a high-quality, well-produced, and catchy song that gets introspective and hits hard. The drum pattern is interesting because it actually has hits on the off beats and isn’t your typical trap beat. The song also uses some nice samples with crows and smooth female vocals. “Even through the faults in the road, we are forever straight” is just one of the many clever and punchy lines in this banger. “Higher Levels” is a great song and you need to give it a listen now!

We reached out to Elijah Sommerz and B1 The Architect and they agreed!

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Elijah Sommerz and B1 The Architect


What city are you from?

The city that I’m from or should I say my hometown is Toronto Canada.

How has your city influenced your sound?

It has helped me influence my sound in terms of my deliverance and cadence with the way how I wrap I would say is the biggest influence on my store from my city!

Tell us about your best performance?

I have yet to perform any of my songs being that this is my debit ready’s at the moment!

Talk about your latest project

Virtues patients to virtues patience as my latest project that I’m working on it said they’ve UTEP that is going to be released most of the songs are picked by my manager to whom is the one that knows what’s best with my career and what’s trending right now.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully a global icon!

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