Harley Dean accuses Rihanna and Travis Scott of spreading STDs

Harley Dean accuses Rihanna and Travis Scott of spreading STDs

Harley Dean accuses Rihanna and Travis Scott of spreading STDs

Porn Star Harley Dean accuses Rihanna and Travis Scott

During a twitch stream with Almighty Jay, Harley Dean accused Rihanna of giving her boss Chlamydia in 2015 and also giving it to Travis Scott. Harley Dean accuses Rihanna and Travis Scott of spreading STDs…

Almighty Jay Twitch Stream

Porn star Harley Dean went off when Almighty Jay compared her to Rihanna on a twitch stream. She then stated:

“She hates me. I helped fundraise her gala here in Hollywood while she was f***ing my boss and gave my boss chlamydia. And here I am, the h*e, alleged h*e, yeah I am a h*e, but everyone thought that I was the one f***ing my boss and in all reality, it was this b**ch. It came out that she got him sick… ’cause he was married, he’s a King or a Prince in Africa…“Right before they were f***ing around, I don’t know if it was Travis. I don’t know who Rihanna was f***ing but she got dirty and got him dirty. It was a whole thing.”

There is no proof of her claims and no one knows the truth other than the parties to who she is referring.

Rihanna and Travis Scott Dating

Rihanna and Travis Scott were in a relationship around 2015. Rihanna was embarrassed to be seen with Travis Scott according to sources. Many people just speculated this was a PR move for attention. Now, Travis Scott is happily with Kylie Jenner and Rihanna is officially a billionaire.

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