Interview with Ja’Di

Interview with Ja’Di

Interview with Ja’Di

Who is Ja’Di

Ja’Di is a rapper who is on the rise with tracks such as “Bullshit”, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”, and “Mick Foley”. Mick Foley was a WWE hardcore legend that had no fear and Ja’Di has no fear. He is hardcore and at the top of his game. I love the ethereal and surreal trippy vibes on Ja’Di’s tracks. He is a very talented young man and we reached out to him for an interview.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Ja’Di

What are your suggestions for those just getting started in music?

Just to learn yourself early. The more authentic you are, the more people will understand what you are trying to get across. Understand that there will be a lot of downs before you see the upside. Just stay focused on your goals. Create the image that’s most true to yourself.

What would be your dream collaboration?

Nipsey Hussle of course! Man I’m sad til this day about that, hopefully, they have a verse in the vault I could respectfully use one day. Also adding a Chris brown ft on there along with the both of us. Those 2 are my favorites!

What are your goals as an artist?

Although I do want to be viewed as a major great, my goal as an artist is real simple; just to connect to the world and give them someone real pure and honest! Someone hopefully they can relate to on a real life standpoint. Not like a lot of the gimmicky artists out. No disrespect but I view myself as a normal guy you could just kick it with and none of the attention would go to my head. You know, like leaving a legacy behind full of positivity and giving the world a nice role model who actually made a difference in a good light.

What separates an artist from the Atlanta area, compared to other cities?

Atlanta is a very trapped based area, where sometimes the music is more based on 808’s, lot of harmonizing and adding mumbly sounds In the background. Which is a beautiful thing when executed correctly, so I don’t knock it! I love some of the artists out here. A lot of other cities are more so focused on the wordplay or stories in their songs, which I can relate to more due to me viewing myself as a lyricist and storytelling style of artist. However, I appreciate every city and their local culture. It’s what shaped me as an artist today, so I’m thankful for all of the music out there.

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