Interview with Remmoi Dollaz

Interview with Remmoi Dollaz

Interview with Remmoi Dollaz

Who is Remmoi Dollaz

Representing Brooklyn, Remmoi Dollaz is the true essence of hip hop. After being embraced by his city and community, Remmoi Dollaz is about to take over the world.

His experience in music is vast and also covers the music business area where he has mentored, promoted, produced, funded, and managed throughout his career.

Unsigned Highness Vol. 1 & 2 are classics that exhibit a rare flavor of hip hop that isn’t commonly seen. His rapid-fire delivery has received him praise and accolades.

Now Remmoi Dollaz has a new song coming out called “G.H.A.N.D.I” and we had the privilege of hearing it before everyone else.



“G.H.A.N.D.I” Pre-Save Link: Https://

The smoky room jazz hip hop track “G.H.A.N.D.I” is a perfect example of what hip hop should sound like. Remmoi Dollaz knows how to deliver his verses in perfect unison with the background music. The beat is more than just dope. More rappers need to have sax solos in their songs because it adds such a complimentary dimension.

Remmoi Dollaz is clearly different. His music is powerful and yet still, you can dance to it. Keeping it real is rare in hip hop, but Remmoi Dollaz manages to do that and more. “G.H.A.N.D.I” is a bona fide hit of a song and it is clear that Remmoi Dollaz is here to stay.

We had to reach out to Remmoi Dollaz for an interview and luckily, he agreed.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Remmoi Dollaz

Who inspired you to make music?

Just growing up having it around me in my life Family listening/hearing oldies but Greats like James Brown to Big Daddy Kane in 80s.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Rhythmic Heartfelt sound mixed with lyrics anyone can relate be inspired and or dance to.

What is your creative process like?

Depending on the mood being a Gemini that could be hearing/seeing something or just a vibe I’m have or a thought that occurs and I’ll come up with ideas

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Omg so many to mention but I guess I’ll go with the living being so many Greats I would say are gone……JayZ, MaryJ, Kanye, Busta, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Nas, any talented Opera Vocalist plus a Slew of Producers as I said way too many to mention but that’s just a few lol

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

I’ve opened up for some of my inspirations and respected artist in the pass but Jay at his heights would be dope again Busta of course Kanye Patti Labelle just any great artist that have well rounded demographics that’s type of challenge I love not just 1 type love to bring all genres into my world mixed with theirs.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Don’t ever quit on your dreams & passion or become a “WOT” (Waste Of Talent)

What is the most useless talent you have?

Any Talent u have is worth utilizing on some degree so I don’t feel I nor anyone should have a useless Talent

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

Some type of 9-5 plus Business venture mixed with a Hustle Always gotta Hustle G.H.A.N.D.I (Lol)

Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

MSG,CBGB SummerJam, Bowery Lounge, Palladium, Vegas festivals HipHop. Inventions all over too many to mention. Least favorite any venue with a Super Bad Disgusting Sound System other than that A Performer is just that their to put on a show and give a great Performance so Rock any space 10 to10k ppl…….yeah a couple the Release date 17th. Plus opening for a few HipHop Legends soon but as the single will drop this Mon. And dates for the Album we’re setting up official tour dates as we speak

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

VERY Much but Good & Bad or should I say Great & Worst lol idk I have mixed feeling because it pushed the culture way further but it lost quite a bit of Authenticity but as my Auntie would say nothing stay the same Don’t worry son Good Or Bad it all changes lol

What is your favourite song to perform?


Which famous musicians do you admire?

JayZ of course, Big Daddy Kane Nas Busta RedMan Wu AZ Lil Kim AL Green Billy Stewart Aretha Franklin way too many to mention that’s just tip of the iceburg.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

Facing Charges Fighting a case nearly putting me in prison for 10 or more years

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