Machine Gun Kelly slaps fan who pushes him at Louder than Life Festival 2021

Machine Gun Kelly slaps fan who pushes him at Louder than Life Festival 2021

Machine Gun Kelly slaps fan who pushes him at Louder than Life Festival 2021

Machine Gun Kelly Slaps Fan

MGK loves getting attention whether it is good attention or bad attention. It seems like MGK has a short fuse because he leaped out at a fan who was already being escorted away. Kelly has a lot to lose if he throws hands with someone at a festival. If MGK was to actually hurt someone or bruise someone, then he is putting himself in a position to get sued.

Fan Pushes MGK

MGK reacted to the fan pushing him by slapping him when he was already being escorted away. Security prevented Machine Gun Kelly from landing any blows and the perpetrator was taken away as soon as he pushed Kelly. Then, Kelly was booed and flicked off by several people in the audence.

Machine Gun Kelly booed at Louder than Life

We wrote another article about what happened when Kelly was booed shortly after. Kelly was booed because of the current comments and feud with Slipknot singer, Corey Taylor. MGK is really getting his name out there and he will become a household name for the wrong reasons.


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