Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

Peaceful Piranha created a unique and humorous Christmas song that channels the consumerism aspect of Christmas down to a tee. Santa Claus sleeping with other men’s wives, and Mrs. Claus pouring the liquor? What in the hell, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal…. is one of the most memorable quotes from the movie “Home Alone”. This song reminds me of that quote because it turns Christmas into something filthy but in a good way.

Christmas Music

Christmas music is something that is inescapable around November until January 1. The holidays contain relatives, alcohol, gifts, and fattening foods.

Music is an essential component of every holiday season and “Christmas Socks” is the perfect addition to any Christmas playlist.

What is your favorite Christmas song?

“All I want for Christmas is you” has become one of the biggest Christmas songs of all time and has kept Mariah Carey’s career-relevant for over 2 decades now. But is it really the best Christmas song?

“Christmas Socks” is no “All I Want for Christmas is You” but it does serve a purpose and has a comedic element that Mariah Carey’s classic song lacks.

There are other humorous Christmas songs that are represented in the Spotify playlist “Christmas Bangers” such as songs by Weird Al and Blowfly. Sometimes, Christmas needs a little bit of humor.

Blue Christmas

Are you ready for a Blue Christmas? Elvis sang about heartbreak in “Blue Christmas” and being alone on Christmas has been a popular Christmas theme for quite some time.

For some, Christmas is a joyous and exciting time of year and for others, Christmas brings up sad memories.

Blue Christmas is a representation of sadness during Christmas. “Christmas Socks” channels that same sadness in a modern tone.

Alone on Christmas

The holidays can be a traumatic time for many people who are single or who have lost loved ones.

Sometimes those memories can illicit pain and music can help to heal. Humorous music can be helpful in dealing with pain.

Peaceful Piranha has captured raw emotion and made a satirical song that perfectly details the pain that many go through around Christmas time.

White Christmas

One noticeable aspect of holiday songs is the addition of a colorful noun in front of the word “Christmas”.

Blue Christmas or White Christmas… Red Christmas or Green Christmas? Did I just give you an idea for a new Christmas song?

A White Christmas is used to describe a Christmas that is snowy and happy whereas a Blue Christmas is used to describe a sad and melancholy Christmas.

Colors are used to represent moods and maybe a Red Christmas could be a song about Santa Claus going crazy and killing everyone. Oh, wait, Weird Al already did that in “The Night Santa Went Crazy” and you would know this if you listened to our Christmas playlist called “Christmas Bangers“!

Christmas Socks

To wrap up this Christmas article, we just want to sum everything up by saying that we love Christmas.

We also love the song “Christmas Socks” and what it represents.

New artists like “Peaceful Piranha” have managed to bring a new spirit to Christmas music that we hope to see more of.

So many artists just cover outdated Christmas music and that is cool, but we need something to better represent the holidays.

Christmas isn’t great for everyone and consumerism can sometimes ruin things.

So, for the last time, we want everyone to stream “Christmas Socks” and have a very merry Christmas!

Have a very Merry Christmas from Rock the Hip Hop and don’t forget to spread some Holiday love… Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal



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