Onzie B Interview

Onzie B Interview

Onzie B Interview

Onzie B

Who is Onzie B? Onzie B is a talented music producer from Virginia who lives in New York. Everyday he hustles and grinds to achieve his dreams. His music is sooth and he is a multi-talented artist. Onzie B is laid back, passionate, and hitting the scene hard. We reached out to Onzie B for an interview and luckily, he agreed.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Onzie B

Where are you from?

I’m originally Hampton, VA and currently based in Manhattan, NYC.

How has your city influenced your sound?

Since moving to New York City, my music has definitely taken on a whole new vibe. I can still remember the first day I arrived: I remember seeing people everywhere, and noticing the drive and energy of everyone around me. I immediately felt at one with that same energy, and I just waned to immerse myself into the culture. Since then, my sound has changed in a way that coincides with how I take in my current environment, and how I’m at peace with who I’ve become since moving here.

What’s your best performance?

I would say that my best performance was during my last year in college. I was a part of a performance workshop class that granted us the opportunity to perform songs in front of our colleagues and peers per semester. The day of my performance, I recall being nervous! I wanted my performance to be well received, and my band and I put in a lot of hours of rehearsal to make sure we were one cohesive element. Thankfully, we received many standing ovations, and that was the moment that made me realized that it’s always important to give your best performance each time.

Who do you want to collaborate with?

This is a loaded question lol!. There are so many artists that I would love to work with, but in particular, I would definitely want to work with Imagine Dragons, Giveon, Rostam, Madison Beer, Maroon 5, and LIzzo! Their artistry is unique and incredible!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

That’s something to think about…. 5 years may seem like a long time, a short time, or just simply a time to keep pushing to capitalize off of the dream that you’ve created for yourself, and that looks different for everyone. There shouldn’t be a time limit placed on success, because success should be continuous: no matter if it’s in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, success is tailor-made specifically for each individual, and one’s story is never finished being written…

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