RIP Rap Rock

RIP Rap Rock

RIP Rap Rock

Rap Rock used to be one of the most popular genres in the 1990s. Hip Hop and Rock were bound to merge at some point. The name of our website ROCK THE HIP HOP is based off of a merger of Rock and Hip Hop. The first major Hip Hop and Rock crossover was the remix of “Walk This Way” when Run-D.M.C. sampled and re-made Aerosmith’s classic song. Unfortunately, Rap Rock is dead….or is it?

RIP Rap Rock
RIP Rap Rock


Korn is credited as being one of the first nu-metal bands. Although, bands like Faith No More were already blending rock and rap before Korn. Nu-Metal was a blend of heavy metal, rock, and hip hop. Nu-Metal was the birth of Rap Rock. Rap and Rock had been blended before this time, but nu-metal was heavier than what was being offered. Bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn, and System of a Down ruled the airwaves from 1995 to 2007.

The 1990s was a very interesting and diverse time in music. Grunge exploded which killed hair metal and then nu-metal killed grunge. The most popular and influential artists of each respective genre have lasted the test of time. History and fans always remembers the innovators and genres of music never truly die. Genres of music evolve or become more niche.

Limp Bizkit

One of the best examples of Rap Rock is Limp Bizkit. Bands like Slipknot and other Nu-Metal bands were more heavy metal than rap. In many cases, a lot of these bands moved away from their early hip hop influenced roots. Limp Bizkit blended heavy riffs with frat boy rap lyrics. Fred Durst embodied the 1990s.

Limp Bizkit was a fan favorite for years. Their music debuted at number one on billboard charts at the height of Rap Rock mania. “Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water” debuted at number one and “Rollin'” was sang by every 15 year old male around the United States. As soon as Rap Rock started to die, so did the popularity of Limp Bizkit. Limp Bizkit went from being a fan favorite to being a punchline in the music industry. When a trend starts to die, certain artists will become a joke.

Now, that doesn’t mean Limp Bizkit’s career is over. Once concerts come back (Coronavirus), Limp Bizkit will still be able to sell out arenas. The only difference is they won’t be making anymore number one albums. They rode the Rap Rock wave and now are a nostalgia act.

RIP Rap Rock

RIP Rap Rock, but is Rap Rock really dead? Not quite. Music doesn’t die. Luckily, music evolves instead of dying. Some genres have a resurgence. There are modern bands who are very successful who fall under the rap rock category.

Modern Bands Who are Very Successful and can be considered Rap Rock

1) Twenty One Pilots

Incredibly talented and unique, Twenty One Pilots have emerged as a modern day P.O.D. Songs like “Stressed Out” really stand out as a modern day version of Rap Rock. Unfortunately, any band that tries their hand at Rap Rock is criticized harsher than other bands. Twenty One Pilots is one of those bands that people either love or hate.

2) Lil Peep

First off, RIP Lil Peep. Second, Lil Peep was a true innovator. How many artists in 2021 sound like Lil Peep? Dissonant vocals on top of a trap beat were the catalyst of a new genre of hip hop. Lil Peep’s music isn’t traditional Rap Rock but it blends both elements in a new and unique way.

3) Fever 333

Inglewood, California has birthed the modern day Rage Against the Machine and they go by “Fever 333”. Very reminiscent of political Rap Rock pioneers RATM, Fever 333 has carved out a ferocious underground fan base by putting on pumped up shows that are full of energy, rapping, and some pretty heavy riffs.

4) Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly did a complete 180 degree shift from rap to rock. Influenced by bands like Blink-182, MGK has always had a bit of a punk attitude. It has always been apparent from interviews that MGK is angsty. Starting with a collaboration with YUNGBLUD to a full blown genre switch, MGK has brought back pop punk, but also added a bit of a hip hop vibe to it.


YUNGBLUD is an interesting fellow. His debut EP “21st Century Liability” would have been huge in 2002. Influenced by trap, hip hop, punk, and funk, YUNGBLUD perfectly represents a Rap Rock fusion. His recent release “Weird” is a departure of his signature sound on “21st Century Liability”, but there are still many Rap Rock vibes on it.

Rap Rock will NEVER DIE

Rap Rock won’t die because today’s musicians were influenced by the past. It’s like I said earlier, music doesn’t die. Today’s innovators and influencers grew up on bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, System of a Down, Linkin Park, etc. Many people still hold these bands very dear to their heart and genres that “die” sometimes have a huge resurgence.

Rap Rock Promotion

One of the many services we offer is promoting Rap Rock. Our site Rock the Hip Hop specializes in hip hop and rock. If you have a blend of both of those genres….perfect!

We have playlists and ads set up to work for your music. Do you want to be the next Machine Gun Kelly? Then, you need to promote your music.

You need to work with a trusted and professional company like Rock The Hip Hop.











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