Saint Brown Brings Back the 90s

Saint Brown Brings Back the 90s

Saint Brown Brings Back the 90s

“If Only” hip hop sounded like it did back in the 1990s? Well, it does. Meet Saint Brown. Saint Brown is bringing back the 90s with a new twist. Funky, fresh, and exciting doesn’t even begin to describe Saint Brown’s vibe.

Who is Saint Brown?

Saint Brown is an incredibly talented upcoming rapper. In the day, he saves lives. He saves lives because he is a nurse. At night, he is killing the rap game and bringing back 90s hip hop. Some of Saint Brown’s influences are DMX, Nas, Heavy D, and Eminem.

If Only

Saint Brown’s latest track “If Only” is a banger. His song brings the heat and the old school flavor. The drums are different than what we are used to hearing from most modern rap tracks. One of the nice things of this track is the groove. Saint Brown has a nice voice and knows when and where to deliver his lines. His words are clear and precise. “If Only” is no mumble rap track. This is good music. Older hip hop fans will definitely appreciate Saint Brown’s flow and style.

Positive Vibes

In today’s rap world, positivity is sparse. Most rappers just throw money at women. Most rappers talk about sex and drugs. Saint Brown can make a good song without resorting to all the same clichés that other need to do. Good music doesn’t need to be vulgar. Good vulgar just needs to make you feel good and Saint Brown delivers with his newest song “If Only”.

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