Sexo Casero

Sexo Casero

Sexo Casero

Sexo Casero and Sweet Love

Are you ready for some “Sexo Casero” and some SWEET LOVE! Peaceful Piranha is a romantic soul who makes the weirdest and funniest music that we have ever seen.

“Sweet Love” is a touching song about the spiritual connection that one gets when they make love and then eat cereal…. or at least I think that’s what he is talking about?

Music that is weird is underrated because in today’s world music has to sound a certain way to get any attention. Whenever someone tries to do something truly unique or outside the box it is often met with disgust, criticism, and lack of understanding/appreciation.

We need funky weird music by artists who don’t care about fame or money. Fame and money has destroyed the art of music and we need a resurgence of something organically compelling and unique.

Forced Sex

Forced sex is not cool! That is why Peaceful Piranha advocates for consensual romance and then eating cereal. Let’s make sweet love that isn’t forced sex but sexo casero… that is okay (I Think)….

Nelly Sex Tape

“Sweet Love” was believed to be inspired by the raunchy Nelly Sex Tape. If you haven’t seen it, then do yourself a favor and Google it!

Nelly streamed himself getting head on his IG by mistake accordingly and then Peaceful Piranha realized that he had to write a song about sweet love and eating cereal because of Nelly’s Nelly!

Yes…. Nelly does have a huge penis as if being mega talented wasn’t enough….

Nelly Sex Tape LINK

Anime Sex

Sexo casero, forced sex, and anime sex are some of the most interesting searches on the web and they all make an appearance in “Sweet Love”.

In the beginning of Sweet Love, Peaceful Piranha makes sure to include some animated sex in the beginning of “Sweet Love” as if the song wasn’t odd enough. Who writes a song based off a Nelly Sex Tape?

By the way, what is your favorite Anime sex scene and what do you think of “Sweet Love”?

Sweet Love

At its core, “Sweet Love” is a tongue and cheek parody song that packs a lot of anecdotes and cheesy one liners. Even still, “Sweet Love” is fun and full of Sexo Casero. We need more artists like Peaceful Piranha who aren’t afraid to tell it like it is.

We also need more artists who include humor in their music because that is something that is missing from many songs nowadays.

Too many artists take themselves way too seriously and “Sweet Love” is a fun reminder to not take life too seriously and to watch the Nelly Sex Tape!


Sweet Love Lyrics

Baby, baby, I’m packing fudge.

Baby, baby, it’s time for lunch.

I’ll eat your muffins, before I start stuffing.

It’s time for some sweet loving.

Love me tender.

Love me sweet.

Rock me like it’s New Year’s Eve.

Hold me tight

Spread your legs

It’s time to release your eggs.

Kiss you softly.

Kiss you rough.

Kiss you til you start to blush.

Feed my ego.

Scream my name.

Hey there pleasure come meet pain

Baby, baby captain crunch

Baby, bay rugs to munch.

I’ll pet your kitten, until she starts spittin’

It’s time to cook in the kitchen

Bow chicka wow wow.

Let’s make sweet love.

Bow chicka wow wow.

Now now now

Bow chicka wow wow.

Let’s make sweet love.

Bow chicka wow wow.

Now now now 

Bow Chicka Wow Spread your Legs

I’ll give you head.

Baby, baby the end is near.

Baby, baby bite my ear.

Listen dear, let’s be clear.

I’m marrying your sister,

don’t make this weird.


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