Interview with Maurice Smith
Be Loved
“Someone ought to reach out to me” and “my mind is in trouble when I wonder about you” are just some of the notable and impactful lines that blast from the song “Be Loved” by Maurice Smith. Honestly, this song is very beautiful and it reminds me of old school Kanye West mixed with Nas. Incredibly poetic and thoughtful, Maurice Smith knows how to make the ladies swoon. “Be Loved” is romantic and smooth. This is the perfect track to make love to.
God Save Us
Beautiful keyboard riffs, held out boomy bass, and drums that hit in just the right places. “God Save Us” isn’t just a song, “God Save Us” is an anthem. The piano riff is absolutely beautiful and knows when to breathe before Maurice Smith comes in with the fire and heat. Everything about this song is a hit and the production value is top notch. “God Save Us” already has an impressive 23,000 streams and we know that it will only continue to go up, up, and up. We had to reach out to have an interview with Maurice Smith and share his talent with the world.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Maurice Smith
Where are you from?
I was born in New York now I live in Florida
How has your city influenced your sound?
One word soul I always had a taste for soulful music also jazz love how the words and the instruments tell a story lol sounds crazy I know coming from New York and being around a lot of different kinds of music is a amazing feeling when I was younger I use to hate hearing the music my parents play at cookouts and family get togethers but as I started to grow I started loving it and understanding what they was talking about behind the microphone anything I create in the studio has to be soulful has to have meaning in it.
What is your best performance?
To be honest I have not performed yet I wanna tighten up on my craft first before I start performing
Tell us about your newest single.
My new single is called don’t leave it’s basically about not taking something good you have for granted appreciate the one your with and to remember nobody is perfect and to always admit when you’re wrong.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I hope to be signed to a label or start my own label branch out into acting and writing short films I’ve always wanted to do that I have so many short film ideas you have no idea I love trying out different things life is short you know learn and do everything while you can
Does your family support your musical journey?
In the beginning no but once they seen how serious I was and how good I was at it they started getting behind me 100 percent I even went to school for audio engineer to tighten up on my school and learn stuff I never knew
Who do you want to collaborate with?
Dam I wanna collaborate with a bunch of artist like jcole Kendrick Lamar jayz and kid cudi Kanye west Selena Gomez even lupe fiasco and drake
Any new projects you are working on that you want to share?
Right now I am writing on my new Ep called tears from a fallen king it’s gonna be a soulful kind of album I’m going to try and release it in January
What instruments do you play?
Instruments I play is keyboard and guitar.
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