ROSE HILLS is Swervin into Traffic

ROSE HILLS is Swervin into Traffic

Interview with ROSE HILLS


Do you like generic rap music? Then “Swervin” is the perfect song for you. This song has no personality and sounds like every other rap song. Is “Swervin” a terrible song? No. It is average at best. The production is minimal and the lyrics are like every other modern rap song. There is nothing special about this song or anything worth checking out.

Rock the Hip Hop Interview with Rose Hills

What city are you from?

Pasadena California born and raised

How has your city influenced your sound?

Music has a huge impact on how we feel and our behaviors. My city is beautiful and the artist and producer from here have this amazing sound.
It’s a community out hear a lot of love outta the city Pasadena.

Tell us about your best performance?

One of my favorite performances I opened up for blue face we had a sold out crowd. 1,000 people venue..I love the stage but that day I was in the crowd rapping to my fans. Had everybody in there jumping.

Talk about your latest project.

My project is called “6 FOR THE STARS”

If you go on a date wit somebody new or wit your girlfriend play the project I promise the date will be your best one. Lol I produced/engineered everything
All in house music and artists.
This project means a lot to me the first time I’ve ever told my story.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 year my family and friends will be where they wanna be in life and enjoying it.

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